Monday, March 3, 2008

Machu Picchu, Part 1

Machu Picchu, literaly translated to Old Mountain, was a large settlement built by the Inca culture around 1430, only 100 years before the spanish conquerers discovered this area.
The area is believed to be built as an agricultural center which then surrounded an urban center, repleate with ceremonial and religous cites. Also this citadel was created to be a mausoleum for the most powerful inca ruler Pachakutec. Following the usual grandure that can be found in many other cultures (egyptian, indian ect.).
After slowly taking over the cusco region, a large battle left Pachakutec in complete control of the inca empire starting around 1420, which is when the construction of Machu Picchu began.
This amazing place did not have long to prosper before the nervous spanish delcared it a scarificial site, had it dismantled, and passed the land off to various important people.

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Sharon said...

W.O.W.! Cass you look so happy in all this picis. Thanks for the great travelogue – you’re quite the history teacher! MP is one of my places to visit so I’ve loved you sharing your off the beaten path adventure with these last few posts.

Keep ‘um coming sistah :-)

PS; Are you snacking on coco (SP) leaves?!

Anonymous said...

hat the spanish...