Saturday, November 17, 2007
Cordoba, AR, Pics
Cordoba, AR, pics
Hi Everyone! I¨m back in Buenos Aires, and have a moment to post a few pics of Cordoba.
The first photo is of a building called Buen Pastor. It used to be Cordoba´s main prison up until recently when it became a public space. They decided to move the prison becuase its location is right in the middle of the city, which makes it difficult to guard, and it was too small to hold all of the prisoners. At night, there is a light and music show using the fountains in front, very pretty.
The second image is one of the things that interests me most about Argentina. It is in
relation to the Deseparacidos (the disappeared). A part of the recent history of this
The final picture is of something that i have studied about before coming to Argentina. Los Deseparacidos (the disappeared). More on the sad side of Argentina's recent history. Argentina went through a difficult time of political unrest, during which over 30,000 people ¨disappeared¨from the country for having possibly being involved in
anti government sentiments. The picture was taken of a new museum created in recognition of this dark past. The museum itself used to be a secret prison, right in the middle of the city, where people were interrogated for any involvement in clandestine actions. The photo i´m posting is of various kinds of literature that were burned as being inappropriate for reading because of the messages they were giving. Literature could be burned for not having enough religious influence in it, for showing pictures of groups (which was thought to encourage protests), and for having too libral of a message (things like children's books, that were too happy and not religious enough). The list of clandestine books was enormous, and it was astounding to see the variety of things that were forbidden. Literature was really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what could get you put in prison, but a very interesting part of the struggle to see.
All in all, i very much enjoyed my visit to Cordoba. I love seeing the contrast of things old and new especially involving history, like a church and secret prison. I will be heading Puerto Madryn on monday! Until then! Ciao!
The first photo is of a building called Buen Pastor. It used to be Cordoba´s main prison up until recently when it became a public space. They decided to move the prison becuase its location is right in the middle of the city, which makes it difficult to guard, and it was too small to hold all of the prisoners. At night, there is a light and music show using the fountains in front, very pretty.
The second image is one of the things that interests me most about Argentina. It is in
relation to the Deseparacidos (the disappeared). A part of the recent history of this
The final picture is of something that i have studied about before coming to Argentina. Los Deseparacidos (the disappeared). More on the sad side of Argentina's recent history. Argentina went through a difficult time of political unrest, during which over 30,000 people ¨disappeared¨from the country for having possibly being involved in
All in all, i very much enjoyed my visit to Cordoba. I love seeing the contrast of things old and new especially involving history, like a church and secret prison. I will be heading Puerto Madryn on monday! Until then! Ciao!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Cordoba, Argentina
Hola todos! Ive been staying this week in Cordoba, Argentina- a small university town to the west of Buenos Aires. I am at the Tango Hostel and having a great time. I've seen a lot of the city, which reminds me so much of Cordoba, Spain- where i studied abroad in college. The people here are very friendly, and the hostel is very "family style'' with group dinners, nights out and all that jazz. Its a 12 hour bus ride up here from Buenos Aires, not my most favorite thing, but not as horrible as i expected. The hostel is filled with people from all over, Austrelia, New Zeland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Netherlands to name a few. Being from Hawaii has some how afforded me celebrity status wherever i go. New people in the hostel come up and ask me if i'm the ''girl from hawaii.'' Which i am, which then insues the inevitable conversation of why on earth i would ever want to leave there. Ah well, a girls got to see the world to appreciate what she has. I'll be heading back to Buenos Aires this weekend before my 20 hour bus ride to Puerto Madryn, where i will meet up with Erin, my travel buddy from Boston!! I'm looking forward to the peguins and whales we'll be seeing in Puerto Madryn, although i hear the weather is a bit colder, which i'm not really looking forward to, but i'm sure its well worth it.... anywho, no time for pictures, will put some up this weekend! adios!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Buenos Aires
Friday, November 9, 2007
Buenas Buenas Aires!!
Hola Todos!!! I have finally arrived in Buenos Aires!!! I surrived over 24hrs of plane riding and airport layovers. barely. Needless to say, it was a long trip to get here, but worth it. After long line at immigration, and a long bus ride, i made it to my hostel in the center of Buenos Aires, V & S Hostel Club. I´m in a 7 bed "dormitorio" (dorm style room, bunk beds and all). The hostel is adorable, and everyone is very friendly. I couldn´t be more centrally located seriously. After dropping off my junk, all i wanted to do was go to bed. but as it was 1pm, i thought it wise to keep myself awake a bit longer so as to adjust to the time zone stuff. I went and picked up some essentials, shampoo, conditioner, water as i could only carry 3 oz of those or less with me on the plane. But as luck would have it, the first store i actually went it to, just a few blocks from my hostel.... ZARA.... yay! i know i´m safe and sound and in a good place if there is a Zara in walking distance from my hostel! I grabbed a sandwich, and wandered some more and was able to keep my self alive until 9pm ( which is actually when Buenos Aires is considering where to go for dinner....they´re all night owls, the whole country). I don´t know what i was picturing BA to be like when i came here... maybe old country like Prague, or artsy like Barcelona...but BA is def a city unlike any other. Very old, Very loud, Very crazy, and Very beautiful. I haven´t done much exploring yet, but my agenda is very full. This is one very large place with lots of history it be discovered. Hasta Pronto!!! (i apologize for any spelling errors, spell check is not working :) )
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Well, as chance would have it, i am still in NYC. A few flight problems, but i WILL be leaving the city tomorrow. But i actually think it lucky that i did get stuck here for a couple more days. Randomly, my sister and i ran into 2 family friends from Hawaii (Cyndee and Brianna, pictured above) while wandering around the Met!!! So weird!! Anyways, after viewing some lovely art, we were all able to meet up for a nice lunch before going our separate ways. Other than that, its a cold day in New York, sister and i are cooking up some good quality Hungarian Goulash for my last meal. Yummmmmmm! Layover in Mexico tomorrow for 3 hours.... not enough time to go sight seeing i guess, i'll have to go later! Next post will be coming to you all as i bask in the warmth of a nice south american summer :) take care!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
New York, NY!!!

Well, i made it to chilly New York. I've been able to meet up with my old college roommate Royale and spend some quality time with my sister. New York is the usual hustle and bustle. Today Royale, Nicole and i went to Grimaldi's Pizza, supposed the best pizza in NYC. I've been working on packing, and repacking, as somehow my bags are so full i can't lift them by myself... not exactly practical... i will be flying to Washington DC and from there to Buenos Aires!!!! If all goes as planned i'll be touching down on this coming Tuesday!!! SO EXCITED, and SO NERVOUS! If any of you feel post card worthy, please email me/post a comment with your mailing address, i'm not making any promises, but i'll do my best. I'll be shutting off my cell phone tomorrow, so send me happy emails if you want to get in touch! I am planning on setting up a cell phone in South America, if/when i get that number, i will post it. Thats all for now! Take care, and keep in touch! Hasta Pronto!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Adios Boston!!!

Well, its time to say goodbye to Boston! I've had a nice visit, but i must keep on my way. I'll be heading down to NYC tomorrow to say adios to a few more amigas before flying down to Buenos Aires. I had a happy halloween, and hope you all did too! Joie and I were able to get tickets to Wicked and went in full witch costume!
Such a great show, i highly recommend it! You can get fairly affordable tickets if you go to the box office! Ok well, time to pack! Keep me updated on how the Pats are doing! Ciao!
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