hola todos! i´ve finally had some time to post a few pictures from my travels. Buenos Aires is a super fun, super crazy city, and i´ve been having a blast. Tomorrow i´m heading to Cordoba, Argentina. A smaller town to the north west of Buenos Aires. Its a university town, so theres lots going on. If i have time, in planning on doing some hiking and horse back riding while i´m there and also meeting up with some friends from my BA hostel that are already there. Its taken some adjusting getting used to the schedule of things here, as typical of many places out side of the US, people have a very different idea of how a day should go. Normally, nothing opens here until 11 am. People lunch around 2 pm, begin considering making dinner at 10pm, and if planning on going out at all, do not start getting ready until midnight or later, stay out all night/morning, and then go to breakfast before sleeping. very exausting, but very fun. there isnt much to be said about the vegetarian food here... hopefully when i get to some of the more costal towns i can get some yummy seafood. the wine if phenominal, and cheap, and tasty, and sooooo good. the weather has been changing, sunny, cloudy, rainy, cant seem to make up its mind... we're still in spring, but it should be sunny days soon. Pictures are of Plaza de Mayo and Plaza San Martin. I´ve made my blog public after many requests of non- google users, so now anyone can access it!!!! Please send me emails and keep me updated your lives, i miss you all!!! ciao bella!

1 comment:
Sistah-look at you living the good life half way around the world and we can follow you on your adventure-most excellent!
Love the blog-once you’re all settled into the groove may I please request a post about the MEN!! I was just telling your mum this morning (as she ran her hands over my naked body) that the few Argentinean blokes I know are sweet, kind, funny, intelligent and tasty! Oh and they all seem to come with a lot of hair – lol!
You show me your Argentinean and I'll show you mine....LOL!
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