After taking in all the cold weather we could, Erin and I headed down to Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world. It took another madness inducing 12 hour bus ride to get there, but it was well worth it. This area is also known for its wildlife and outdoor adventures (i wish i´d made it here for the snowboarding season, but i´m not sad i missed the seriously cold weather). It is also many peoples launching point when visiting Antartica. Though i´d love to go myself (breifly, bbrrrr), the costs are astronomical, so i will save that trip for another day. We have enjoyed wandering the town, and visiting the national parks. Tomorrow we will be heading to Chile, to begin the next leg of our journey. And yes, that will involve yet another painfully long bus ride (not that i´m complaining, the scenery is amazing). We will begin in Chiles southern most cities, and make our way up to the capital, Santiago, by christmas time, to celebrate with Erin´s chilean relatives.
Again, sorry for not updating in so long, i will try and do better with updates! Hope everyone is well! If i find a faster computer, i will try and post more pictures! For now, adios!
hola senorita,
what an adventure. i want so many more pics, but did not reailize the upload took so long.
A appreciated whatever you have time for. thanks for sharing. be safe. love you
ps... continue the journey.. : )
This I know for sure...I’d never look that good after a 12 hour bus ride!
miss my sister! thanks for the pix, you look fab! We had our forst snow today, and news from sister, what a great way to start my day.....slurp, slurp!!!!!
i meant, first snow today.
Jealousy abounds. You look really happy and that makes me happy too! Whatever you do, though, do NOT lick the glacier. I hear your tongue can get stuck...!
Miss you and love you lots! XOXO
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