Ok people, we are actually getting up to date in these blogs, SHOCKER! finally, i guess it just takes a rainy rainy day to get me to sit still! Anyways, here i am, in Cusco Peru, loving it. Cusco is known as many things, for one, the jumping off point for getting to Machu Picchu (the amazing inca ruins) which i will be visiting in the next few days. Its also know as a city, on a city. Literally. The spanish conquerers (ugh, dont get me started) found this amazing city, inca city, fully functional with irrigation, big buildings and temples, and resplendant in gold. dripping gold, everywhere. many of the temples were covered head to toe in gold to refelct the sun. The bricks are huge, HUGE (no idea how they moved them around) and carved to perfection, perfectly made bricks. And the spanish, being the spanish, took over, everything. They moved bricks around to build new things...like churches, and also just built on top, of everything. The base of any house, apartment building, governemnt building, church, store, anything was built on top of inca ruins. Once they took the gold off of them of course. So it looks like a strange mish mash of building materials. But still beautiful. Also very reminicent of spain. Most like Granada id say. Pics are 1. the plaza de armas. pic 2. The Convent of Santo Domingo of Cusco, built up on some ruins. Pic 3 view from the convent of a part of cusco. very hilly, good exercize. and Pic 4 an artists interpretation of the Incas sun calendar, showing the different weeks and climates that the incas based their agriculture and rituals on. All in all, a beautiful city, though more expensive than my beloved Bolivia, and much more touristy, still, very amazing.

1 comment:
Cass - your posts and pictures are amazing. I am living vicariously through your adventures. This blog should be shared with high school kids in the US to give them the travel bug to go see the world. Continuing enjoying every moment of it!!!! ~ Alison, former "Sowoodie" :)
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