Monday, March 3, 2008

Waynu Picchu, part 2, down

Ok, so after our unbelievably long climb up Waynu Picchu, we made our way down (accidentally the long way of course) to the Temple of the Moon, believed to be a cermonial burial area. It is believed that the small caves housed the remains of high preists and important figures, though no bodies were found due to looting. The carvings are astounding. How they put all of this together i don't know. Little niches and alters fill the area. truely amazing.
Nothing like a little mountain hanging over the walk way in a country known for its earthquakes... deep, deep breaths.

Temple of the Moon

Probably a cemermonial throne, or sacrificial area, now becomes my nap and snack rock.

gasp! the clouds clear! oh no! i can actually see down the ledge i´m walking on! help help! quick get some clouds back up here! SERIOUSLY!
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