Well folks, i've made it back to the USA! It was a long day of flying, but i'm happy to be back. I'm currently visitng my college friend Anna, who works for the army as an EOD Tech (aka. the army's bomb squad). The weather here in Texas has been great, sunny and warm, but not too hot. I've been doing some laundry and getting organized. Also have been enjoying having a kitchen to cook in! While here i'm hoping to visit as much of texas as i can, Austin, Houston ect.
Yesterday i spent the afternoon cheering on anna and her boyfriend pat at their army softball game. Though i was asked to participate, i feel that i made the right choice not to. I am much better at cheerleading than playing softball!
Pic 1: Anna and Pat
Pic 2: Me and Annie
Pic 3: Me and Pat
Pic 4: Anna up at bat!

Darling-you look marvelous!
almost here!
have you shot a gun yet? that's all they do there in texas isn't it, besides drinking coors?
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