Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cordoba, AR, pics

Hi Everyone! I¨m back in Buenos Aires, and have a moment to post a few pics of Cordoba.

The first photo is of a building called Buen Pastor. It used to be Cordoba´s main prison up until recently when it became a public space. They decided to move the prison becuase its location is right in the middle of the city, which makes it difficult to guard, and it was too small to hold all of the prisoners. At night, there is a light and music show using the fountains in front, very pretty.

The second image is one of the things that interests me most about Argentina. It is in
relation to the Deseparacidos (the disappeared). A part of the recent history of this
The final picture is of something that i have studied about before coming to Argentina. Los Deseparacidos (the disappeared). More on the sad side of Argentina's recent history. Argentina went through a difficult time of political unrest, during which over 30,000 people ¨disappeared¨from the country for having possibly being involved in anti government sentiments. The picture was taken of a new museum created in recognition of this dark past. The museum itself used to be a secret prison, right in the middle of the city, where people were interrogated for any involvement in clandestine actions. The photo i´m posting is of various kinds of literature that were burned as being inappropriate for reading because of the messages they were giving. Literature could be burned for not having enough religious influence in it, for showing pictures of groups (which was thought to encourage protests), and for having too libral of a message (things like children's books, that were too happy and not religious enough). The list of clandestine books was enormous, and it was astounding to see the variety of things that were forbidden. Literature was really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what could get you put in prison, but a very interesting part of the struggle to see.
All in all, i very much enjoyed my visit to Cordoba. I love seeing the contrast of things old and new especially involving history, like a church and secret prison. I will be heading Puerto Madryn on monday! Until then! Ciao!

1 comment:

nicolemaui said...

wow sister, you are so s...m..r...t!